Antibody Purification – A superior alternative to magnetic beads.
Magnetic beads are generally effective to purify antibodies at small scale, but there are quite a few scenarios that they become a detriment to your workflow, such as:
• Time and Tight Deadlines: Picture this, you have quite a few hundred samples to purify by the end of the week. Dispensation of magnetic beads ad nauseam is slow and tedious, not even factoring in the lengthy binding/incubation time. Hour long incubations are usually not a big deal but they sure feel excruciatingly slow when you have a tight deadline, don’t they?
• Cost: Protein A magnetic beads typically have a capacity of less than 3 mg IgG/mL suspension at a unit cost around $100-$200 per mL suspension. If you target is to purify more than tens or hundreds of different antibodies at the scale of 200-500 ug per antibody, the investment escalates quickly thousands of dollars.
•Resuspension and Aggregation: Non-colloidal suspensions like magnetic beads will eventually sediment and clump over time. Inconsistent aggregate formation can impact lot-to-lot variation. Mitigation with frequent resuspension during incubation can easily become cumbersome, especially when you have large numbers of
Make Antibody Purification Simple & Fast
Is there a better, cheaper and faster alternative?
Our answer is YES.
Purilogics has developed Protein A membrane adsorber products that can accomplish antibody purification in minutes, not hours.
• Sophisticated performance in a simple format. Purexa™ AHT is a series of multiwell protein A membrane plate products. It enables 24 or 96 unique antibody purifications at the same time. No incubation or resuspension needed. Fewer moving parts means fewer mistakes, worry about bead aggregation no longer!
• Significant time savings. In general, antibody purification can be done within minutes with Purexa™ PrA membrane products.
- Purexa™ PrA mini allows end-users to use syringes to complete purification. No centrifuge or FPLC required. It is a great tool when your colleagues might need a few milligrams antibody urgently and your FPLC is in use.
- Purexa™ AHT can get 24 or 96 antibody purifications done within minutes. It will relieve the pressure you may have with a tight deadline. Depending on the product, each well of the plate may have 200 ug – 3 mg capacity with high yield and low elution volume.
- Purexa™ PrA -0.2 mL can be used to purify 5-10 mg antibody per cycle. Larger format devices (up to 5 L) are to be launched in the near future. Please follow our Linkedin to be kept in the loop about release dates!
• High Return on Investment. Take our Purexa™ PrA mini as an example. One unit can purify 0.5-2 mg antibody per cycle in minutes at $30 per unit. To purify 0.5-2 mg antibody using magnetic beads, one need to use 0.3 mL - 1 mL suspension which can cost $70 - $200. If you also consider the benefits of faster speed, fewer mistakes, and the greater convenience that our products can bring to you, your return on investment should be multiple folds higher than the beads. Our products are also reusable to further maximize your investment.
Antibody work is exciting and intensive and we all dislike the overwhelming pressure of deadlines. For your sanities’ sake, give Purexa™ PrA membrane products at try!
Do you have questions? Please reach out to us and our team will answer your questions!